This year some of the Clarity team went as guests to Confed19. Having never been, this was a great opportunity to see how the various elements of the industry market themselves and to explore some of the latest products and innovations available to support providers in delivering better care.
Here’s a quick summary of what we found.
Transforming Systems
Have two main products which harness data to enable commissioners, service managers and patients to see real-time capacity across the system.
A simple urgent care app for service users, NHS 111, and Ambulance Call Handlers, which shows the quickest and most location to access treatment for minor emergencies, based on live waiting time and traffic information.
An early warning database which gives a clear real-time view of pressure across a whole system. Shrewd uses a built-in teleconference system which has been academically proven to reduce call time to 15-20 minutes, and which automatically generates meeting minutes.

Showcased their project management software, pm3. Clear, simple, and easy-to-use, pm3 collates and presents data in a dashboard, offering ‘one version of the truth’ across all collaborating bodies. Over 20 NHS organizations use this software to manage QIPPs, CIPS and transformational projects. More on Bestoutcome
Offers a product which is effectively WhatsApp for clinicians. Fully encrypted and widely interoperable, Siilo is secure and integrates with most clinical IT systems. The benefits are fairly plain to see: clinicians who communicate and share learning and support more readily are likely to learn more and their patients to achieve better outcomes.
Early on Wednesday morning, Clarity Partner Paul Sly joined up with Andy Whiting of Rubicon and Liam Williams of SCW CSU to discuss the development of Integrated Care Systems. Paul’s speech outlined the three main areas of focus in the NHS Long-term plan, and what this means for local systems considering the transition.

A full blog write-up will follow next week.
NHS Digital
Held a breakout discussion on ‘Shifting the World of GP technology’, in which they discussed at length the GP Connect service and the upcoming IT Futures framework; the IT buying framework due to come into effect from January 2020. GP IT futures, which replaces GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC), puts a focus on integration, improved choice and buying arrangements, and improved sharing of data.
GP Connect is a service comprising multiple APIs which aims to save time for clinicians by providing seamless access to 111, the patient care record and appointments management.
Zero Suicide Alliance
In 2017, over the course of a year, 6,188 people died by suicide in the UK: equivalent to 17 people every day. The Zero Suicide Alliance are offering free 20-minute suicide prevention training, which you can sign up to here.
Next year’s Confed event will be integrated with Expo and held again at Manchester Central Convention Complex.