The Link Between Housing and Health

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Written by
Stephen Domingo

In this month’s edition of the Clarity Digest, we focus on the crucial connection between housing quality and health outcomes in the UK. As the country continues to grapple with housing challenges, it is becoming increasingly clear that poor living conditions are not just a social issue - they directly impact public health and exacerbate inequalities.

In this edition, we explore findings from the Health Foundation’s Moving to Healthy Homes report, which highlights how unsafe and inadequate housing affects millions of people, costing the NHS over £1.1 billion annually and worsening health outcomes across the population.

Key Findings

The report reveals that poor housing conditions - such as overcrowding, cold homes and safety hazards - are responsible for a range of negative health outcomes. These include increased risks of injury, respiratory diseases and mental health issues, particularly for those in lower-income households. For example, the report estimates that over a fifth of excess winter deaths are due to living in cold homes, while families in overcrowded conditions face heightened risks of both physical and mental health challenges.

Crucially, housing inequalities affect the population unevenly. Lower-income households and renters are disproportionately exposed to non-decent homes, with 26% of low-income families spending more than a third of their income on housing, compared to just 3% of wealthier households. The consequences are severe, with many individuals falling into debt, experiencing instability and suffering from poor health as a result.

Additional Resources

We also feature a curated list of recent publications and podcasts covering a wide range of health and care topics, from leadership to community care innovations. These resources provide valuable insights into the current landscape of health and social care, helping leaders in the sector stay informed and engaged.

For more in-depth analysis and detailed recommendations, we invite you to read the full Clarity Digest by clicking here.

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